Minggu, 09 September 2012

Hypnotize Yourself With Self-Hypnosis

One of the most common question people have when first starting to get into self-hypnosis is "Can I be hypnotized?". And of course the answer is yes since the state of hypnosis is a natural state! We go in and out of hypnotic trance naturally several times a day without realizing it.

Have you ever been engrossed in a very engaging book that you didn't realize hours have passed? How about being so focused at work that you were not aware of what's happening around you? And I'm sure all of us daydream too. These are just a few of the many examples of a natural state of hypnosis. So do not worry whether you can be hypnotized or not because you already did it many times before! You just need to learn how to deliberately enter the hypnotic trance state, and reprogram yourself for positive outcomes by using self-hypnosis.

Another common question is, how does it feel to be hypnotized or under hypnosis? The fact is, everyone will experience hypnosis differently. And every time will be a different experience too. Sometimes you feel 'light', sometimes you just don't feel any different. Some people will feel as if they're not hypnotized, while others feel so relaxed, they thought they fell asleep! There are a variety of different hypnosis experiences ranging from feeling like not being hypnotized at all to very deep relaxation.

The ideal state of hypnosis though, is a state somewhere in between the waking and sleep. This is the state where you're just about to fall asleep at night, or just before you wake up in the morning. It is characterized by a feeling of relaxation where your mind wanders. It is not the same as sleep and you're not unconscious. With practice, you can get into this state easily. This is the state where your subconscious mind is open to positive suggestions and conducive for reprogramming yourself.

Many people get frustrated in the beginning because they feel they can't enter hypnosis at will. Please understand even a light trance is enough for hypnosis to work. Everyone is different and with practice you will get to know yourself better and what is the best way for you to hypnotize yourself. Be consistent and try to practice at the same time everyday if you can.

Another important thing to remember is don't over-analyze things. This is a common reason why many people feel they cannot be hypnotized. Just let go and drift off, don't aim to achieve a certain state. Don't try to do anything, just be effortless. Hypnosis cannot happen when you worry if you're doing it right or not, and feeling anxious about it. There's no right or wrong way to hypnotize yourself but there is a best way to do it and you will find your best way if you practice self-hypnosis on the regular. Just remember as long as you feel calm and relaxed, then you're on! And then you can just let your subconscious mind do its amazing work for you.

Visit: www.Conversational-Hypnosis.com

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